Leg #6 - May 21, 2008 - Gnome# 2 is passed off to Honda John at a secret location somewhere in New Jersey. John is planning to bring the Gnome to the "Apple-Cade" gathering in Virginia, where he will continue on the quest of his brother before him. Thanks John, for taking on this noble task!

Here is the secret meeting place for the handoff to Honda John. Security measures were discussed, as well as a plan to be implemented in order to protect the Gnome from wrongdoers. Oh yea... and food and drink were consumed.


The Gnome meets a few of his undercover secret service agents.



We bid our farewells to the Gnome just before the secret handoff to Honda John.


And the Gnome is oficially off to Apple-Cade! Farewell, and Godspeed, our little traveling friend!

Thanks to Honda John for stepping up and getting Gnome# 2 on his way!

Stay tuned....

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