Leg #13 - January, 2009- The Gnome is touring Europe with Roland!

I just received another email with some more pics from Roland. Seems that Roland and the Gnome are getting on quite well and touring Europe. Roland writes:

Hello Floyd,

It's me again. I am still traveling with "Followe". I didn't find the right person to send "Followe" with yet.But I am working on it. In the meantime, I take him with me, where ever I go.

First foto, somewhere in the wood. The others coming separate, because they are to big to send them in one mail.

Regards, Roland


These are just behind the Italian Border at the "Reschensee".
There is a flooded village, only the church-tower looks out of the water.



Then we are at the biggest sea in Italia, the "Gardasee".



Now, we are at the Gardasee and it is warm, no more winter.




Thanks, Roland! I LOVE the picture of the church steeple sticking out of the lake! Great job!!

Keep us posted!

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