Leg #14 - June, 2009- The Gnome has come out of winter hibernation in Germany
and is now on his way to BALI!

I recieved an E-Mail from Roland in Germany today, and it looks like the Gnome has made it through a long winter in Germany
and is moving on to the warmer climate of BALI!! (I want to go with him!)
Here is Roland's E-Mail:

Hello Floyd,

As I sad - the Bikerally's starting again and I am sending now the last Fotos from me and "our" Gnome.
I am glad, I found two honest people, Stefan and Sabine, which are taking the Gnome to another part on our earth.
The Gnome is now on his way to "Bali".
I am sure, that Stefan and Sabine are the right people for this job.

Regards and so long


P.S. May be we meet some day

Hello Floyd,

It's me again. The fotos are taken at the Gold Wing Rally from the Bavarian Highway Winger Höchstadt an der Aisch !




Thank you so much, Roland, for taking care of the Gnome and passing him on to trusted friends! You did a great job with him! I hope you get to come visit and ride with us in the United States sometime!

Take care, my friend!

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