Here's a few pics from my installation of a headlight modulator on my motorcycle.
March, 2005
Here's the control switches in the cockpit, (the 2 toggle switches)
Here's the "brain" of the modulator, connected to the relay bank under the seat.
The wires coming out of it are for hi beam, low beam, control power, control switches, and ground.
Here's the connection to the relay bank for hi beam.
Here's the connection to the relay bank for low beam.
Here's the control unit installed with the wire cut (purple and green) to the light sensor so I could splice in longer wires
and run them forward on the bike. I tucked the unit on top of some foam I stuffed under the relay bank.
I put some shrink wrap on the light sensor for extra durability from vibration/wear and fished it through the rubber
around the mirror and down into the space below the right fairing pocket.
Here's the location of the light sensor, peeking out of the rubber just under the right side view mirror.
Here's the wiring of the control switches.
Here you can see where the sensor wires come down from the mirror where they meet
the control switch wires and run back to the control unit.
That's it! Works like a charm. I rode with it for the first time today, and I definitely noticed that I was much more visible to other drivers. Many people moved aside as I came up behind them with that look of panic on their face like I was a cop pulling them over. While that sounds like alot of fun (for me), I will be conscious to be a courteous driver and not abuse that perception. I don't want to panic people, but I like the fact that they notice me and are less likely to "take me out".
Here's a picture of my current cockpit "additions". See you on the road!
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